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30 Jan 2023

A Reading Corner

A Reading Corner

I don't know about you, but I love a space in the house where you can (should you get the time that is) to just sit, just be, just observe, just ponder, just read. It's almost a necessity really to give yourself that time or moment of rest, relaxation or reflection. For me that little resting place is a corner in my living room, next to the window, beside my favourite little lamp with it's pretty shade I bought in a shop on holiday and books my mum has given me over the years. Items of personal worth and pretty things which help me to relax. I have two oil paintings, not valuable, but valuable  to me as I often stare at them and imagine where they could be or who painted them and why. Not all art has to be expensive, trendy or of any importance to the outside world. You just have to love it and it be part of the fabric of your life. 

How about creating a corner in your home, a place for you to unwind and ponder? Maybe like me you already have one. Happy New Year and happy pondering.

Emma x