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12 Jan 2024

Mirror, mirror on the wall...

Mirror, mirror on the wall...

I think January for all of us is a time for reflection and for some, a time for a refresh. That might be a refresh of the mind, a refresh of the heart or a slightly less scary refresh of the house! That wonderful nest that we call our home.

I have launched a new range of mirrors which I hope will offer a new dimension to the usual shapes and styles. A refresh if you like, of an item in our homes that can be quite mundane. I want you to be able to look into these mirrors in your home and I want them to make you smile. Whether it is a quirky shape you choose or an equally unique combination of coloured stripes, refresh your mirror, mirror on the wall and see if you feel the fairest of them all!

Happy New Year to all our valued customers and happy refresh!

Emma x